We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Making Myself Feel Better

I feel like this blog is going to become a place for me to just vent everything that's going wrong in my life, and I don't really want it to because there are so many good things that happen in my life. It just seems like it is easier to vent because then it gets it off my chest and I feel better. So, here's to making myself feel better!

Sometimes, I get so frustrated with my teaching program and my teachers. Today just happened to be one of those days. In my Teaching Reading and Language Arts class, we were talking about a particular assessment that we can use in the upper grades that will help us determine whether our students are on an independent, instructional or frustrational reading level. We practiced giving the assessment as well as scoring it to determine the child's level. When we came back for a discussion, we all had different interpretations and answers. That's not that bad, but as my teacher was talking about all of them, he kept telling us "what he put down." I don't really care what he put down; I want to know the correct way to do it. I feel like if everyone has differing opinions then the test isn't very valid. We all got different levels for the one child so it's not a good test! So, why are they teaching it to us? Why do I want to learn a bad way to assess my students? Anyway, that doesn't sound so bad when I write it, but my experience in the class today was making me very frustrated and disagreeable!

Then, I went to science, which is a class that I constantly have to tell myself to have a good attitude in. First of all, science is one of those "touchy subjects." It is one of those subjets that many people don't feel successful in and are sensitive about. I am definitely one of those people. I never thought I was good at science and I never liked it. I think that is because I had some bad science teachers that made me feel really stupid. This teacher is no different. There have been times (2 times actually, but they impacted me a great deal) when I asked a question or said a comment in class and my teacher looked at me like I was a complete idiot. She kind of furrows her brows and has a completely confused expression on her face as she talks about how that doesn't make any sense. I feel like it's her way of saying "I don't agree, I have a different opinion" but she does it and I feel about 2 inches tall. I never think that is the right way to handle any situation but when you are a science (or math, I should add) teacher, I feel like you need to be tons more sensitive because the subject matter is already touchy enough. It is people like her that make people like me hate science. And, I don't want to hate science. But, I especially don't want to feel like an idiot. That doesn't make me want to try any harder to understand the subject matter or ask any more questions. It turns me off completely!

Anyway, that's my ranting and raving for you! I do feel much better (except that I can't help but thinking that I have three more months of dealing with people like this...)

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