Today, I got to go to the school that I am going to be working at for the month of March and meet all of the kids! It was so fun! Unfortunately, there was a sub there today so I didn't actually get to meet my cooperating teacher, but I got to meet the most important members of the class so I wasn't too bummed! We got to go so that we could fulfill an assignment and gather a whole bunch of contextual factors about the school, the class and the students but I just liked being in an elementary school again. It really feels like home! Which is why I think that it is really cruel for them to let us come to a class, meet all of the kids and then snatch it away, making us come back to school for a whole month and a half until we can go see them again! Well, there's my vent!
As for gratitude, I am still grateful for the same things as yesterday! Another addition would be children! I love how simple and kind they are and how they love to learn! I think we all need to be a little more like that! I'm also grateful for dentists (even though I hate going to them) because they make pain in my mouth go away (even if they give you additional pain to get there!). I'm also grateful for hot chocolate and soup! They make me so warm inside!
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