We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sam Being Awesome

I've stopped trying to figure out all of the words Samantha can say because that would be impossible at this point.  But, because of that, I haven't been writing down the ones that I think are just so adorable.  I know that one day I'll want to remember how she said certain things and even though I try to get it on video, it doesn't always work, so I might just have to write them down instead (too).

1.  Thank you (Day doo)
2. Vaccuum (am-youm)
3. Button (butt)
4. c'mon (mon) as she holds out her hand for us to grab...
5. giraffe (raffe)
6. kangaroo (roo)
7. outside/slide (dide)
8. stairs (dee-uce)
9. meow (meee-owww)
10. potty (pah-eee)
11. breakfast (back-est)
12. blanket (bankek)
13. crib (bib)
14. lunch (wowch)
15. soother (fyou fyous)

Other funny things she does:
1. hits her (or your) nose and says, "beep, beep"
2. squeezes her (or your) nose and says, "onk, onk"
3. Oh, and dance.  She loves to dance. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Girl and Her Elephant--18 Months

Yep.  She's 18 months now.  Crazy!  Elephant pictures are getting more and more fun to take.  This month, I was able to tell her that I was going to take her picture and tell her where to lay or sit.  And she did it!  It was awesome!!!  Here they are for your enjoyment.  

She was giving the elephant loves in this one.  So sweet. 

Samantha is as sweet as ever.  She gives loves and kisses.  She says "wuv you."  She dances and smiles and giggles.  Well, when she wants to, that is.

She has QUITE the personality.  When she's not in the mood to do any of those things, she'll dramatically throw her head to the side, get a huge scowl on her face and yell, "NO!!" It's kind of funny, but I feel bad when she does it to people who didn't do anything to deserve it!

I think part of her grumpiness in the past has to do with all of the teeth she's gotten in the last little while.  She got her 2 front teeth (FINALLY) and two molars on the top too.  Now she has a total of 8.  And, on any given day, there are 4 more that get pretty swollen.  So, she's happy for the most part.  But, when those teeth are bugging her, or she's tired, she lets us know!!!

Father's Day.  Look at how cute they both are!

Before the flood, we were able to make it to the zoo one last time! Sam, looking at the gorillas!

Not of Sam of course, but man, look at that river!

We had a chance to go to Montana with our friends and Sam had a BLAST!!!  There was a park, a boat, and of course, WATER!!!

Going down the slide!

I love this picture!

This one will get framed and go to work with Daddy!

Driving the boat!

Water baby. 

Look at that face!

Yep.  She has now learned to get on top of the window sill.  Awesome.


On the carousel at Heritage Park.  She LOVES the carousel!

First train ride at Heritage Park. 

So cute! And look at the crazy hair!  

Man, I love this kid!

We went to the stampede and we had to dress up for it! 

She's so fun at this age!  This month, we are excited to see my friend Laura who's coming up to visit us in Calgary!!! And, for a trip down to Utah to visit my family.  I'm excited to see my family, not so excited to drive down there!!!  We'll see how that goes!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Les Miserable

Les Miserable was my dad's favorite play.  I knew that from the time I was small.  I have strong memories of my mom playing the piano while my dad belted "I Dreamed a Dream" in our living room.  My dad had a beautiful voice.  Something I like to think he passed down to me.  I sang "Castle on a Cloud" in a 7th grade choir trio for my entire middle school.  When I had a singing coach in high school, I asked to sing "Dreamed a Dream" but he wouldn't let me because he thought I didn't quite understand the lyrics and it was too adult for me.  Maybe he was right.

I've grown up on Les Mis.  Even if I never actually saw the performance until it came out in theaters.  It was a part of me and my childhood. Once I did see it, I understood completely why it was my dad's favorite play.  My dad was no Jean Valjean, but he also didn't have the easiest of lives, like most of us.  He related to the play, just like I think all of us can.

On Friday I went to the actual play for the very first time.  Live actors, live music, incredible atmosphere.  Every time I felt a bit emotional (so pretty much the entire 3 hours), I grabbed Derek's hand to my left.  But at the same time, I imagined my dad, smiling, with tears in his eyes sitting next to me holding my right hand.

I haven't felt that close to my dad my whole life.  When he was alive or since he's been gone.  It felt incredible.

It may surprise some to hear, but I don't think of my dad very often.  He's been gone 16 years.  That's a lot of time.  Almost an entire childhood and all of my adulthood up to this point.  When I used to think of him, I'd feel a lot of anger at the choices he made at the end of his life.  Choices that made him leave me and my family.  I didn't want to think of that and feel angry.  But as I've grown older, I look at the things that my dad faced and I honestly can't say I wouldn't have made the same choices.  He faced a lot of things that I would never want anyone to face, at a time that wasn't very accepting of those struggles.  When I think of him now, I feel a lot of compassion towards him.  I never used to feel like I wanted my dad here because at the end of his life he wasn't a good person to be around, but it is times like this that I wish he were here so I could tell him that I get it.  As much as I can for not having dealt with the same things.  I get it and I forgive him.

I think that is what everyone can learn from such a powerful musical as Les Miserable.  Forgiveness and Mercy.  It isn't our place to judge.  Just forgive and show mercy.  I think that was all my dad wanted when he was alive.  Forgiveness and mercy.  And, even though he's not alive to hear me say it to his face, I'm pretty sure he knows how I feel about him now.

So, go see Les Miserable.  If you've seen it already, watch it again.  If it doesn't make you strive to be a better person, then I'm not sure what to tell you.  Because it has influenced my life almost completely.