We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Friday, May 7, 2010

5 Interviews, 5 Days


I'm done. For now.

Overall, the interviews went great! I am most excited about my interview with Alpine Elementary. It was the best interview I have ever been in (on either side...). I was really on my game and I answered the questions flawlessly. I made them laugh, I told them impressing specific experiences I have had, and ultimately wowed them....I think....

I really feel like I might get an offer from them, but I don't want to say anything too soon for fear that I won't get anything. In fact, even typing those words was really hard for me!

I just hope that something comes from the interviews I have had this week. I'm exhausted and hope I don't have to do another one! I'll let you all know when or if I hear anything. I was told by most that I won't find out (good or bad) until Wednesday of next week. So, I guess we'll see!

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