We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Step

Caution: the following is unapologetic mom bragging.  Youv'e been warned. 

Our little gal has always been a little mover.  She rolled over from front to back at 8 weeks.  From back to front at 3 months.  Army crawling at 5 1/2 months.  Standing at 7 months.  Knee crawling at 8 months.  Standing without support (sometimes) at 9 months.  And now, one day shy of 10 months, she is taking her first cautionary step.  I can't believe how smart this baby is and how fast she is growing up.  She is constantly keeping me on my toes.  But, she is pure joy.  Love this girl. 


Oh, and sorry for the squealing in the background.  I'm one proud mama!