We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Worst is Over

Okay, it's done. Well, sort of. I called all of the parents but I only have 7 students signed up for testing. I couldn't get a hold of 8 parents and 3 students are moving. So, it's done for now. I'll have to follow-up on the ones I didn't reach and then hopefully I'll be done. I hate this part of my job. Parents are hard; kids are easy. Anyway, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. They ARE scary!!! I almost peed my pants the first time I had to call a parent (and it was because her son had a 9%--yikes!). But on the phone they don't know how young you are. :) Love you!
