We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Thursday, April 23, 2009


On Tuesday, April 21, I finished my last final of college life! Well, maybe. I'm not quite sure. I just found out that I have to take a Capstone Seminar during the month of May but since it's not for the entire term and since it's called a "seminar," I'm hoping it just means I have to go and listen to someone talk. Hopefully, I won't have to write any papers or take any more tests! Because I don't know, I like to think that I'm DONE!!!

It's a really exciting feeling for me. I know a lot of people say that they were excited to be finished with school but after awhile, they get a little sad because they loved learning and being in school. I don't really think that is going to happen for me. :) I haven't really enjoyed my schooling because I got so frustrated with professors treating me like a five-year-old instead of teaching me how to teach five-year-olds. I got so frustrated with the stereotypical elementary education majors that were just in school to get married, and ElEd seemed like the easiest way to accomplish that. I felt like school was just a means to an end because it is teaching that I really love. I do love learning, but I feel like I learn so much more from the kids themselves and from my own experiences than I can from someone telling me what it's like. I am just so excited to finally, finally have my own classroom, to teach how I want to teach, to have my own experiences, and to learn from them! I think I will always be a lover of learning, and that's why I will go to workshops and read books to help me be a better teacher, but as I'm doing that, I'll also be given the chance to apply it right away and that's what I'm going to love! So, I'm done with school but I'm beginning something better! I'm done with classes and grades, but I'll never be finished learning! I'm excited for life to start!

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