We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What a Week!

We've had a pretty rough week around here.


I went to get Sam from her crib and noticed she had thrown up in her crib.  Sometimes she'll do that and it's just like spit up so I didn't really think anything of it.  I told Derek I thought we should keep her home from church, but that was it.

We fed her breakfast, and while she was eating, she threw it up.  We tried giving her milk.  Threw it up.  Tried giving her water.  Threw it up.  Tried throughout the day to give her liquids and by that time, she didn't want to throw up anymore, so she just didn't drink anything.  Tried, and tried.  Didn't want to drink.


I figured it was just a 24 hour bug, like most stomach things are, so I gave her milk first thing in the morning.  She was thirsty, so she drank.  And drank fast.  Threw it up.

I continued to try and get her to eat/drink throughout the day, and she just wouldn't touch anything.  Started to get mildly worried.

She was EXTREMELY lethargic.  She barely lifted her head from my chest all day.  She was like a little rag doll.  I'd lift her up and she used no muscles whatsoever to help me in any way.  She slept most of the day.  When she'd wake up from a nap, I'd get her up and she'd be awake for about an hour before her eyelids started drooping again.  Started to get more worried.

Kept trying to give her liquids.  Even brought out the syringe and tried to squirt it in her mouth.  Started to get pretty worried.

We decided it was best to take her to the doctor.  I was pretty sure I knew what they'd say (give her liquids and she'll be fine), but I figured it was better to hear them say it and to have them help me get liquids into her than to be too late and have her hooked up to an IV.

During the 2 hour wait at the children's hospital, we were able to get about 1 cup of pedialite into her system using a syringe.

Saw the doctors and they told me what I already knew.  They did say that sometimes kids can throw up for up to 5 days and have diarrhea for up to 7 and as long as they aren't dehydrated, it was okay.  Didn't know that.

Took her home.  Gave her more pedialite.  Had an AWFUL night.

She woke up at 12:30 and didn't go back into her crib until 3:30, meaning I didn't sleep.  She was asleep on me most of the time, but didn't want me to put her down, so I held her, awake, while she slept on my chest.


She was MUCH better.  Still a tad lethargic.  Still no appetite.  But she kept everything down. Wouldn't let be put her down though.  Started to talk more, even play a little.


Great day.  She played.  She giggled.  She was still clingy and didn't have much of an appetite, but she kept it all down again.  We even got to go to the mall to walk around.  She happily stayed in her stroller while we were there almost 2 hours!


Gave her milk in the morning.  She threw it up almost immediately.  What?  I thought we were done with this.  Another day spent at home, drinking pedialite.  She did eat some more and kept everything else down.


Finally back to normal, almost completely.  Ate meals like usual, drank lots of liquid.  Played.  We didn't go out, because I was still scared she might be sick.  I think she was getting cabin fever even more than I was.


Everything's fine now.  She played by herself.  Ate and drank like normal.  Talked up a storm.  Giggled.  Mimicked.  She's Samantha again!

Overall, throughout the week, I'm pretty sure I did about 15 loads of laundry, cleaned up vomit and poo off of hardwood, carpet and furniture at least 8-10 times, snuggled my baby LOTS, and that's about it.  Even though I hardly did anything this week, it's times like this that I especially feel like a good mom.  I did what needed to be done.  I took care of my kid.  I gave her what she wanted.  I gave her what she needed.  I was kind and patient.

As hard as it was, this is what being a mom is all about.  And, I love it!

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