Apparently, my body has decided to start giving me morning sickness in my second trimester. I was perfectly fine all 18 weeks up until this week. Now, every morning, off I go to the bathroom! Now, this isn't that big of a problem because I craved for morning sickness the 2 years we were trying to have this little baby and I promised God that I wouldn't complain when I did get pregnant. The only issue is that today we were supposed to find out what gender our baby is. And because of the nature of my morning sickness...uh hum...I couldn't have a full bladder and therefore they weren't able to get any good pictures of little baby. In fact, baby was really hard to see. We were able to get some pictures of the spine, feet, legs, arms and a cute profile, but no gender shot.
We go back in tomorrow at 10:45. Hopefully I'll have gotten it out of my system so I can get all bladdered up to see this little rascal properly!