We Are Fami-Lee

We Are Fami-Lee

Monday, June 21, 2010

Odds 'n Ends

I feel like I should update this thing, but I don't have much to say...

I'm taking a management class today (I had a nightmare last night about the first day of school and my kids were absolutely crazy. Maybe I'm telling myself that I'm excited for this class...) and it goes until Friday.

Derek and I went to Seven Peaks on Saturday...for FREE! I love being a teacher. I got 2 free tickets for doing absolutely nothing and then another one in the weekly ValPack. So we went for a couple of hours with my mom. It was fun, relaxing and very much needed.

On Friday, I made 16 pints, that's right, 16 pints of strawberry jam. When we went to volunteer at Strawberry Days last Wednesday, they gave us a case of strawberries for free. So I made 4 batches of jam, which came out to 16 jars! Luckily I know a lot of people who like jam and that I have a big freezer!

I have been going up to South Jordan EVERY DAY to work out with Derek. (Well, not every day, but 5 out of 6 days is pretty much every day...) I'm not really seeing any results, but I'm feeling pretty good. I guess that's enough for now but if I don't start seeing the fruits of my labors, something will have to change!

That's all I can think of for now.

Oh, and I still love puppies!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


My sister-in-law Jen just showed me this website because she knows how much I LOVE puppies. If I could, I would have one right now! Every time I see a picture of a cute puppy, it just makes my day so I figured I would add the daily puppy to my blog so I could see it every day! I'm so excited! Check it out on my side bar!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


This summer has started out just great!

It was a long weekend, so Derek and I went and hiked Timp Caves. Neither of us had done it before and it was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, I got all my stuff into my new classroom! I'm so excited that I have access all summer to the classroom because I can decide when I want to come in and get all organized. I can't believe how much nicer the room is than my trailer last year...it's still old, but it sure doesn't have a pole running straight down the middle of it!

On Wednesday, I went to the temple and volunteered as part of the grounds crew. We pretty much just raked the dirt to make it prettier and cut off dead flowers. Still, it was really cool.

Also, I have been going to the gym every day this week and I have started to watch what I eat more seriously and in three short days, I've gone down 2 pounds! It could just be because we all fluctuate a bit (but I hardly ever fluctuate down; it's usually up...) but I also think it's because it's always easy to lose weight when you first start. I'm planning to lose 18 pounds by August 23rd (two days before school starts...) Then, the battle will be to keep it off during the stressful months of the school year.